For Home Chefs
For Food Lovers
Selling food from home is simple with our app
It's free and easy to get started. Cook the foods you love and sell them easily via our app. Download Gobblah Chef today
Got questions Chef? Click here to ask.
Find new and delicious home cooked food 
We will help you find new flavours and taste experiences you didn't know existed!  Download our Food Lovers app today
Connecting you to food lovers everywhere

Start trading on NZ's first online Home Chef marketplace today

Love creating home cooked food for others to enjoy? Tired of selling on Facebook with endless questions, insecure payments and no true idea of how your business is doing?

Well you've come to the right place.
COnvert your kitchen to cash

Gobblah connects Food Lovers to Home Chefs like you.

You might already be a Home Chef selling food or maybe you're considering it? With Gobblah you can set up your online kitchen quickly and start selling your food almost immediately. The app is free for you to use and there are no commissions for a limited period. That's right, no start up cost or overheads, just sign up and start selling today.
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Get noticed

Gobblah users are looking for you.

Our location services will help drive new customers to your door. People looking for new food experiences are able to search for all sorts of great tastes based on their location and will see you if close by. Food lovers are also able to search by cuisine and diet type, travel distance, price and more.
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Safe and Secure

You do what you love, while we take care of business

That's right no more answering endless questions and dealing with no shows. Better yet with Gobblah you know that every time you receive an order it's already been securely paid for which gives you the peace of mind that you can simply get on with what you love to do - create great food.
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How are you doing?

Keeping track is easy

With Gobblah's sale metrics we can give you great insight into how your business is tracking. View your sales monthly or weekly, by customer or even by food item. Get real insight into what your customers want and how much they are spending with you. It's that simple.
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What our Chefs are saying...

Are you ready to become a Gobblah Home Chef?

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We are dedicated to promoting home made food, made by dedicated people from all backgrounds and to showcase and promote the exceptional cooking talent right within our communities!